After a 2-day layoff, I knocked out a very comfortable 80-minute, easy-paced run. Unfortunately, it was a session on the treadmill rather than out on the road. The first of two winter storms blew in this morning, making outdoor running ill advised for all but the most ridiculously hardy. I don't mind running on a treadmill, actually. It's easier on the knees and ankles, and I can govern my pace closely.
With the Carlsbad race just six days away, all the advice and guidance says I should be scaling back my running length and intensity. I wanted to run a 75-80 minute run at the easy pace of about a minute per mile slower than half marathon target pace. I should have run it yesterday, but didn't want to abandon it just because it was 24 hours later than I had planned. I figured it was better to run an easy semi-long run rather than a light interval session of Yasso 800s. I'm pretty sure I overdo it on the intervals and need more base miles.
I'll spend the rest of the week taking it easy, running mostly fewer miles at a lighter-than-usual pace. I'm more worried about eating and sleeping right to make sure my gut is not dealing with any distractions come Sunday morning. Nerves alone will probably challenge me. I don't need my diet to be working against me too.