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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday's Report

Scheduled no run day.  Swam 1 set of 1000 (8:14 for the first 500; 8:04 for the second), and 1 set of 500 with the buoy.  Had enough time to do a little strength work, although I was feeling a little shaky after the swim, probably due to not having eaten much.  I focused on the legs mostly, doing some leg presses, calf raises and working the hips and glutes.  I didn't blast them because I want to make sure I'm fresh for tomorrow's medium long-ish run.  I worked in a little shoulder and bicep/tricep work too.  It's been awhile since I lifted.

I feel pretty good.  The cold is almost gone.  I'm feeling trim even though I quickly regained 2 lbs over the past week, thanks mostly to the Disneyland trip.  I'm going to knock out the 80-minute slow jog tomorrow with the Spark/RBHS running crowd.  Something to look forward to.

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