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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

On the Rebound

I'm on the upswing now.  The cold is on it's way out.  I wasn't sure if I should skip the running until it's completely gone, or if "sweating it out" would be okay.  According to the guidance, if the symptoms are above the neck with no fever, run.  If below the neck, wait.

My remaining symptoms are below the neck, but I opted to run anyway.  I noticed my capacity was a bit reduced, but I felt good afterwards and don't think I over did it.

The cold's symptoms progressed like this:

Saturday afternoon - No symptoms in the morning or during the race.  First noticed sore throat later in the day.

Sunday - Sore throat, some coughing, huskiness in voice, lethargic

Monday - Sore throat, some coughing, sneezing, running/stuffy nose, sinuses hurt, pain in gums, tired.  Worst day.

Tuesday - Lingering coughing and chest heaviness, stuffy sinuses...but much better

The final stages of lung congestion will probably hang on for a few days.  I'm scheduled to do the 80-minute run tomorrow, so that'll be a challenge. 

Today's run was simply 45 minutes at HM pace.  I didn't run a steady HM pace; rather, I gradually ramped up from 9:00 to 7:30 each mile, and closed out with 8x100 strides and recoveries.  With cool down, it took 50 minutes, and I stretched out for another 15. 

I'm hungry.  I've gained a little weight back over the weekend.  I want to reverse that trend, so it's back to being diligent about my nutritional habits. 

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