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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Spin Day

Amazing.  Stuck to the plan and completed the noon spin class at Pure Fitness. 

I wound up on an "all-or-nothing" bike, meaning that small movements of the knob results in huge differences in the resistance.  When Renee was saying to add 1 full turn, the resistance for me would go from easy to impossible.  So, I had to "cheat" and convert each full turn to around a quarter turn just to hang with the class.

I did work hard though.  A couple of cadence sequences had my legs burning and chest heaving.  I was not wearing my HR monitor, but I would have liked to have known how my heart rate compared to my perceived level of exertion.

That was all for today.  I spent 15 minutes cooling down with stretching, but didn't spend any extra time on anything else.  I really couldn't afford the spare time anyway.  I'm getting behinder and behinder at work.  I need to reassess my priorities.  My health and fitness is important, but I'm starting to take it overboard.  It's getting to the point where my workout is the first thing on my mind.  It's probably like a kid who looks forward to recess all day, at the expense of paying attention to his schoolwork. 

Even though I seem to be suffering from nagging injuries and appear to be having difficulty getting off this 16% body fat plateau, my fitness is the one area in my life where I feel like I have a good deal of control and success.  So it's natural for my attention and fixation to gravitate toward that.  But there are many other things that need attending to.  They just aren't as fun or rewarding.  But I have to get myself in gear and get control there as well.  I didn't use to be in control of my fitness.  Only 2 years ago, I was just taking the first steps out of the out-of-shape pit I had spent a decade wallowing in.  If I can pull myself out of that trap, I should be able to do the same in other aspects of my life, shouldn't I? 

Uh oh.  This post is a little more psychologically revealing than I like.

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