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Monday, August 30, 2010

New Week Starts with Running Substitute

I "ran" on the A.M.T. today instead of the elliptical.  Selected the interval profile and increased the intensity each 15 minutes until I was maxing out during the final quarter.

It was a good workout.  Doesn't compare with running, but it's easy on the joints and especially the calves.

I must be a different breed because I spent the hour sans headphones or anything distracting.  I'm not sure why I don't find the activity itself mind-numbingly boring.  But I don't.  I play games with myself, competing to see if I can reach calorie-burn markers or keep my heart rate in zone.

Personally, I think the calorie calculator is way off.  It had me burning 940 calories over the course of the hour.  I normally figure on 10 calories per minute as an average rule of thumb, even though I know that's probably under counting.  But I don't mind the underestimation error since it tends to compensate for the underestimation of calories consumed.  But the AMT calculator, I think, goes too far in the other extreme.  I don't have a perfect gauge in my mind as to what level of exertion constitutes what calorie burn rate, but my guestimate during the exercise was that it was giving me credit for an extra 2-3 calories per minute more than what I was actually burning, which is probably a 20-25% overestimate.

I did work hard, and sweat to the drenching point, but I think something in the 700-800 calorie range would have been more accurate.  I only took "credit" for 65 minutes, or 650 calories.

After that, I got onto the weights and made two laps around my 12-exercise chest/shoulders/back/arms circuit.  It's probably time I increased the resistance.  I'm doing it mostly for the cardio and fat burning, and less for the muscle hypertrophy.  I think I've gotten into a rut though and I'm finding the exercises are not as demanding.  I've adapted, and it's time to shake things up.

Tomorrow, the plan is to do the spin class and start up the push ups and sit ups with Quin again.  I was giving the sit ups a break until my back felt 100%.  I think I'm there.

It's Quin's birthday today.  13!!!  Oh my.  And he's taller than I am now.  What am I going to do about that?

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