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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Saturday Shall Be a Day of Rest

Resolved: no run today.  I will get some exercise working in the yard and cleaning up the house.  Things are a wreck.  I hate it when the house gets this way.  The garage is a mess. 

But my body needs a recovery day.  I'm not feeling bad, but I know that if I wait until I feel like I need it, I'll already be late.  Yesterday's run, though light, still left me a little stiff.  I'll do some stretching today. 

Oh, and I'll do chin ups today too.  Quin and I did push ups and sit ups as part of our 200 sit up and 100 push up routines.  We both were able to stick with the plan, but it's getting harder as the numbers increase.  The next scheduled day is Sunday.  I'd like to see if I can encourage Quin to work a run in with me.  I want to sign him and Joan up for a 3x1 mile relay in October.  But I need to be sure they're both completely ready to run a mile.  Quin's been inactive almost the whole summer.

I weighed in under 145 yesterday.  Even the Wii Fit at the end of the day measured me at 144.7 lbs.  I can't see a difference.  If I've lost almost 3 pounds of fat over the last 5-6 weeks, I'm not sure where it came from.  The last excess hold outs of fat are on my waist (love handles and belly) and across my abdominal muscles.  I can see the "six pack" outline, but the subcutaneous cushion is still obscuring that really lean and cut look so coveted. 

My waistline measurement, without any indentation, is now under 32" so that's measurably a difference since I started at 32.5.  That equates to  16.3 % body fat, which is 23.5 lbs of fat on a 144.5 lbs body.  Last week's slight uptick in weight had to have been bulk waist or fluids since fat won't fluctuate that much.  I was disappointed about the trend in body weight last week.  This week, I'm feeling good about were I am.  It's a lot of work to get to and maintain my "ideal" body weight of 145.  It's a lot harder to make the scale budge when I'm in the mid-140s than it is when I'm up around 150 or more. 

I'm going to try not to worry about weight and body fat this week.  I'm going to focus all efforts on optimizing myself for the race a week from tomorrow.  Water, fuel, conditioning, rest...even though I'm planning on simply finishing and not racing for a PR, I need to give myself every advantage since I haven't been able to train properly during the last several weeks.

I did make an appointment for a physical.  It's not for another 2 weeks (earliest I could get).  Since the prime motivation for it was to have my cholesterol checked, I can't jump off the diet focus/experiment just yet.  So I'll be making it an 8-week plan rather than ending with the original 6-week plan. 

I've run out of SloNiacin though. 

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