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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Love the Late Night Run

Joan doesn't like it when I go out into the night to run, but I sure do.  It's quiet.  No traffic.  Cool.  I'm relaxed afterward.  I don't do it often.  When I do, it's usually out of necessity.

I decided at the last minute to use a few days vacation time, so I didn't get into the office.  That means I missed going to the gym.  I thought I had missed bootcamp, but I learned later in the day that it had been postponed due to weather; or more precisely, because the lawn and the court area were too slick from the misty rain. It's been rescheduled for tomorrow, but I'm planning on staying home tomorrow too.

Anyway, the point is that I risked having two days in a row with no workout.  I tried to encourage Quin to go to the fitness course with me, but I could tell he'd be dragging his feet and not getting anything out of it, so we blew that off.  As the day wore on, I knew it would be less and less likely that I'd get my run in.

We had a good chicken and asparagus and potatoes dinner around 8, and by 10 I felt digested enough to run.  I started out at 10:30 and did a double lap of my 5K route through 4S Ranch:

8:08 over the first mile
14:47 over the next 2.1 (22:55 for the first 5K)

Then reversed the route...
15:04 over the same 2.1 backwards
7:15 over the final mile (22:19 for the return 5K)

45:14 over the full 10K

That validates my 10K this past weekend, although this wasn't an officially measured course and may, in fact, be a tad short.  But does more elevation change than the Scripps Ranch course.

I felt pretty good.  It might have been the cool, damp air, but I did feel my legs (adductors) want to cramp a little during the final mile.  I did get my heart pumping pretty good.  Wore my heart monitor and had a peak of 167 on the climb up Dove Canyon, and averaged 154 over the full 45 minutes.  That's working hard.

Not sure what I'll do tomorrow.  This turned out to be a tempo-ish run.  I don't usually do that on my night runs.  I normally like to do a relaxed pace and keep my heart rate down around 80% or less.  I just felt like airing it out a little tonight.  I'll probably do an easy 45-60 minute hour run tomorrow and save intervals for Thursday.

6 weeks until the AFC half marathon.

200 days until the Carlsbad marathon.


freedomstar said...

are you doing any weight or core workouts to balance out your running, or is that what you mean by bootcamp

freedomstar said...

Do you wear a head band flash light for running at night? its so oncoming cars can see you from a distance
