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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Stay Home Day

Stayed home from work today, but wound up spending almost the whole day working remotely via VPN.  Actually, wouldn't mind doing that routinely.  If I could limit the number of face-to-face meetings I'm involved in, I could easily do most of my tasks from home.  It sure would save on commuting costs, both time and gas.

The downside was that I didn't make it to the gym since it's right across from the office.  Today was supposed to be a swim/spin day with an evening 6 mile jog through the neighborhood.  Instead, I took Quin to the Hilltop Park parcourse and we did 3 laps through the obstacles.  And then I chose to run the quarter mile loop a few times with intervals.  I did 6x at a 6:00 pace with 220 walking recoveries in between.  It was a shorter workout session than I had planned. 

On top of that, I went a little over my calorie consumption goal since the tilapia I had planned on for dinner had gone bad.  Instead, I did a Boboli pizza. 

Oh well.  I'll make up for it tomorrow.  The Laces group will probably be running intervals tomorrow. I've got bootcamp in the morning, so I think I'll run an early 10K before church. 

1 comment:

Freedomstar said...

a stay home day helps recovery