The "Run to 50" is complete. Blogging continues from this point on at Run to 51

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Friday, September 24, 2010


Drove to LA yesterday to pick up Tommy and Melinda at LAX, and drove back to Anaheim to connect with the rest of the Day family for Bob's 50th birthday celebration at Goofy's Kitchen.  (He was onto the surprise, I think.)

I'm taking a day of leave today to be with the family at Disneyland.  Can't really afford it, given the crunch at work, but I have little choice and so I have to just flush that from my mind and enjoy the day.  I'm not as big a fan of Disneyland as the rest of the family, but I'm a fan of seeing my kids enjoy themselves, so I won't be an Uncle Frank and drag everyone else down. 

I got up early this morning to get my light run in.  I feel a lot better today than I did yesterday, but I still don't think I have it in me to do a long run yet. I put in around 3 miles in 25 minutes along the sidewalk on Harbor Blvd from the hotel to the Disneyland entrance and back.  Lots of runners and joggers out in the morning twilight.  It was nice and cool, and after getting the kinks out during the first mile, I felt pretty good. 

It's funny how hard it is to resist "competing" with other runners.  I made a game out of catching up with those in front me, getting control of my breathing, and then passing them looking at ease.  I seriously doubt they paid any attention, but it made me feel superior.  What a goofball I am.

I didn't run fast, but I ran faster than I was supposed to.  This was supposed to be a 25 minute recovery run, 48 hours before Saturday's obstacle 5K.  Instead, I ran 25 minutes a little more briskly only 24 hours before the race.  I don't think it'll make that big of a difference, particularly since this isn't a traditional 5K in which I'm shooting for an individual time.  We'll be running as a team, with boot camp obstacles and stations along the way.  It's more for fun than serious competition. 

Heck, if proper rest is what I was shooting for, I wouldn't be spending the day before on me feet all day walking around a theme park.  (I do want to wear my pedometer today just to see how much walking I do.)

The rest of the family will be off to Las Vegas tomorrow, but I'm driving back to San Diego alone, due to the Boot Camp Challenge.  I'll have the rest of Saturday and most of Sunday to myself.  I plan on taking care of many household chores that need attending to.  That'll be fun.

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