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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ankle Kicking

I kick my inside ankle when I run.

I don't think this is terribly uncommon, but I can't find any good information on the "why" or how to remedy it.  The few explanations I've found (over-pronating, hip imbalance) aren't satisfactory and I don't think they apply to me.  Or maybe I'm just fooling myself.

It's not a huge deal, really.  I don't cause myself pain or injury.  The worst it does is probably just a little soreness on the medial malleolus and tough dirt stains on my socks.  I'd just like to correct it if it's an indicator of poor form or a potential for real injury.  I have always been prone to ankle sprains, and I wonder if there isn't a connection between the pattern and susceptibility to turning an ankle.

Here's an old video from last year of my stride.  I took this to see if I could determine whether or not I was over or under pronating.  I can see my left toe turn inward as I push off, but it doesn't explain why I often hit my ankle on the recovery portion of the stride. 

Maybe my ankle bones stick out too far.

I got back in the pool for the first time in about 3 weeks yesterday.  I did 3 sets of 500 yards free with no recovery between.  I didn't try to swim hard.

Set 1: 8:47 and very relaxed
Set 2: 8:25 pushed a little more and worked on lengthening stroke

Set 3: 8:28 pulled a buoy to take the legs out of it.  Very surprised by the time since I rely so heavily on legs.  Perhaps I miscounted laps?

Finished 30 laps/1500 yards in about 25 minutes.  So I did 250 more yards to finish out a mile and tried a new stroke/breathing pattern, going 3 strokes per breath and alternating sides. Feels more relaxed.

After that, I spent time in the gym going through 3 cycles of a 12-exercise circuit routine.  Again, the first time back on the weights in a long time.  I've been concentrating so much of my time on running, I've neglected the other essential elements of a fitness program. I'm going to make a concerted effort this week to re-establish the strength portion of my plan.

Today, I've changed my mind yet again, and instead of hitting the road for an 8 mile base pace or easy run, I'm going to try some things out on the treadmill that have come have come up in on-line conversation with some SparkFriends.

1. I'm going to give the La Jolla Half Marathon profile I worked out a try; at least the first 7 miles of it (since I only have an hour to work out).
2. I want to see how a run/walk strategy feels.  Looking over Jeff Galloway's Web site, I think running at an 8 and 1/2-minute mile pace for 8 minutes with a 45-60 second recovery walk interval would be right for me and would result in a 9-minute/mile rate, which is what I've been shooting for on base training runs anyway.  If it'll help me get closer to the training pace I'm supposed to be keeping while also preserving my strength on longer runs, that'd be great.

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